Academy of Medical Sciences

The Academy of Medical Sciences is the United Kingdom's national academy of medical sciences. It was established in 1998 on the recommendation of a group that was chaired by Michael Atiyah. Its president is Professor Sir John Tooke

The Academy promotes advances in medical science and campaigns to ensure these are converted into healthcare benefits for society. Its mission is to ensure better healthcare through the rapid application of research to the practice of medicine. This is achieved by providing expert, evidenced based information and advice on the latest developments in medical science, supporting the development of a first class medical science workforce and championing the UK's research strengths in academia, in the NHS and in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.



As at December 2011, the Academy has a membership of 1018 Fellows who are drawn from clinical academic medicine, biomedical research, veterinary science, dentistry, medical and nursing care and other professions allied to health science including social science and the law.

Fellows are elected to the Academy for their outstanding contribution to the advancement of medical science, for their application of existing scientific knowledge to innovative health interventions, or for their conspicuous service to medical science and healthcare.

40 new Fellows are elected to the Academy each year.

Honorary Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences is offered to those of the highest distinction in the field of medical science who would not necessarily be expected to participate in the affairs of the Academy but whose fellowship brings distinction to the organisation.

Honorary Fellows include: Chen Zhu Minister of Health, Ministry of Health, China; Sydney Brenner, Distinguished Professor, Salk Institute; Francois Gros, Permanent Secretary of ‘Académie des Sciences’, Institute de France; William Castell LVO FCA, President & CEO, GE Healthcare.


The Academy of Medical Sciences was established in 1998 following the recommendations of a working group chaired by Michael Atiyah, Past President of the Royal Society. The establishment of the Academy of Medical Sciences brought together biomedical scientists and clinical academics within a single national organisation with the express purpose of promoting the translation of advances in medical science into benefits for patients and the population at large. The Academy of Medical Sciences is one of the five learned academies in the United Kingdom, alongside the Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, the British Academy and, in Scotland, the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

The formation of the Academy of Medical Sciences reversed a UK trend of increasing fragmentation and specialisation within the medical profession and the propensity of the professions to focus on education, training and research within the confines of their individual profession. The Academy established an integrated, national resource, outside the framework of Government, with the expertise and authority to deal with public policy issues in healthcare in their wide scientific and societal context.

In November 2008 the Academy celebrated its 10th Anniversary with a special dinner held at the Wellcome Trust.

Following a merger with the Novartis Foundation in 2008 the Academy moved to its first dedicated headquarters building at 41 Portland Place in October 2010.

The Academy's headquarters provides office space for its 25 members of staff and several modern and period rooms that are available for public hire for events and conferences.

List of Presidents of the Academy of Medical Sciences


The Academy is governed by a Council of 24 Fellows including six Honorary Officers whose role is to provide strategic advice to the Academy. The Academy's Honorary Officers are:

Professor Sir John Tooke PMedSci, Head of the University College, London School of Life & Medical Sciences. (President)

Professor Ronald Laskey FRS FMedSci, Honorary Director MRC Cancer Cell Unit, University of Cambridge (Vice President)

Professor Patrick Sissons FMedSci, Regius Professor of Physic, University of Cambridge (Vice President)

Professor Patrick Maxwell FMedSci, Professor of Nephrology, University College London (Registrar)

Professor Robert Souhami CBE FMedSci, Former Director of Clinical Research and Training, CRUK (Foreign Secretary)

Professor Sue Iversen CBE FMedSci, Emeritus Professor of Psychology and PVC Special Projects, University of Oxford (Treasurer)


Policy advice The Academy’s policy work addresses issues of medical science and healthcare in their wide scientific and societal context. Areas of policy work originate from within the Academy Council and wider Fellowship, as well as in response to consultations from Government, Parliament and other relevant bodies. Recent work includes reports on ageing, brain science, addiction and drugs, inter-species embryos, the use of data in medical research and the use of non human primates in research.

Developing the leaders of tomorrow The Academy's National Mentoring and Outreach Scheme was established in 2002 and is supported by the Department of Health, the National Institute for Health Research and NHS Education for Scotland. The programme provides one-to-one mentoring by Academy Fellows for Clinical Lecturers and Clinician Scientist Fellows. It also offers a range of outreach activities for Academic Clinical Fellows, Clinical Training Fellows and MB PhD students.

Funding first class research The Academy’s funding schemes focus on areas of specific and specialist need. It targets efforts to address shortages within key specialty areas, international collaboration and career development. Schemes include Clinician Scientist Fellowships, Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers and UK/Middle East Exchange Fellowships.

Celebrating medical science The Academy’s public lecture programme has provided opportunities to highlight major scientific and public health issues. Lectures focus on cutting edge research and provide a platform for discussion of the latest science.

Linking academia and industry The Academy has a FORUM with industry that brings together biomedical scientists from academia and industry to provide a place for debate on key issues at the industry-academe interface.

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